There are many ways to build links and traffics.

Such as Article directories submission, Guest blogging where you can gain links, traffic, and new subscribers, Do some commenting on other sites, if they allow you to include your site URL, it will bring some traffic, Social bookmarking and Forum Posting.

Good list.Try RSS it will help you in link building.

Press Releases, Web 2.0 postings and Blogs are also helpful resource for getting effective links for the websites.

There are many ways to build links and traffics.

Such as Article directories submission, Guest blogging where you can gain links, traffic, and new subscribers, Do some commenting on other sites, if they allow you to include your site URL, it will bring some traffic, Social bookmarking and Forum Posting.

You could use forums also to get backlinks as well as traffic; of course, it would not be as good as blogs and PRs.

There are many ways to build links and traffics.

Such as Article directories submission, Guest blogging where you can gain links, traffic, and new subscribers, Do some commenting on other sites, if they allow you to include your site URL, it will bring some traffic, Social bookmarking and Forum Posting.

Creating unique, compelling, well-optimized content generates the best type of links, the naturally generated type. This is the basis to which off-site ranking influences factor into the keyphrase ranking game; which many SEOs seems eager to exploit. Linking strategists deceive the search engine into thinking that their webpages are important because of the volume, credibility and relevancy of the incoming link sources. Rather than create content worthy of naturally generated links, they try to cheat; to make magic - making something important out of nothing.

Have to agree with Fred on this one as I am an advocate of keyword-rich, compelling, fresh content.

While building some links to your website are beneficial in terms of the user experience (as long as they are relevant), using link building as the main way to build SEO is a poor strategy.

Creating unique, compelling, well-optimized content generates the best type of links, the naturally generated type. This is the basis to which off-site ranking influences factor into the keyphrase ranking game; which many SEOs seems eager to exploit. Linking strategists deceive the search engine into thinking that their webpages are important because of the volume, credibility and relevancy of the incoming link sources. Rather than create content worthy of naturally generated links, they try to cheat; to make magic - making something important out of nothing.

Exactly - and what's interesting, is that the SE's are getting better and better at catching on and displaying what's really important at the top of their results.

I read an interesting post today by Robert Scoble, whom i mostly share little in agreement with, but it certainly made me think about how SEO, in the traditional sense, is becoming less and less important - while the need to create something worthwhile is and really has always been the best way to get to the top.

there are many ways like directory submission, article, forums, blogs comments but Social bookmarking is the best way to get a link

The Most Effective Link Building Strategies for Your Website is Social Book marking , Link Building and Article. Article marketing is one of the quickest and most powerful ways to build meaningful links.

There are many ways to build links and traffics.

Such as Article directories submission, Guest blogging where you can gain links, traffic, and new subscribers, Do some commenting on other sites, if they allow you to include your site URL, it will bring some traffic, Social bookmarking and Forum Posting.

Sponsored linking is also plays a important role.

you can use forum posting in high pr forum to increase pr. also social bookmarking is the best way. link building is also helpful in this way.

Do proper off-page optimization and spend more time on it, it really help you to get quality back links and traffic on the site.

Can you define article marketing ?

Also one can use url as email signature which may generate a good number of traffic.

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