All seo's have their secrets on how they optimized and get rank their keywords. Here's some of my tips:

Most of the time internal linking creates a big problem, If you have too many links for your site, the spider will quit indexing your site before actually it is finished.

Always remember that links should always made with text. We can use images but it is not at all effective for optimization purposes.

The search engine discounts the importance of the pages of your site if your title tag displays more than one page.

There is not any secret in SEO's work. They make an strategy for every project according to their business market & service areas, selection of achievable keywords, competitors and areas where the website needed to work on.

Always remember that links should always made with text. We can use images but it is not at all effective for optimization purposes.

I respectfully disagree. I find that it is perfectly acceptable to link using images. If you want to tell the search engines (and those that are visually impaired) what the image is about, simply use 'alt' text.

Furthermore, I would also say that most of the time, your site's internal link structure is more important than any external link. Crafting a natural and logical link structure will help both users and search engines navigate your site.

I too disagree with you. Internal Linking is very important for on page optimization of the website. Please read the below mentioned Google Central Webmaster Blog for knowing more about the importance of internal linking.

Even if the Title Tag is displayed twice or thrice (as in the case of ecommerce websites), Google does not regard it negatively. But it suggests you to change it from reader's point of view.

Hope this clarifies.

Based on many of the other threads started by and comments made by the original poster it is clear that all they are trying to do is drum up business for themselves. What is sad is that the original poster, as pointed out by Jay and Allison, does not appear to know very much about SEO to begin with.

I think if only those internal links are reasonable and natural, search engines would pick up them and follow them. So, a well-designed site structure is really in need. :)

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