Hi I am coding html for a website. And the website for UK I need to create HTML Meta Tags for counties ((United Kingdom) a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government).

Do you know how to code Meta information using counties?

You can get counties here

...Do you know how to code Meta information using counties?...

I really don't understand the question but it would seem imperative to place the county name in both the Meta Description and Meta Keyword tag, once. You might want to experiment with using the county name twice in two separate sentences within the Meta Description (say, once at the beginning of the first short sentence and once at the end of a second short sentence), maybe try something like that.

Create a new page and add meta information specific to your county. If it is for multiple counties, add it for multiple counties. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

I know this is not a quick reply but maybe it will still help.

2. He says you should use up to a hundred keywords/1000 characters in the keyword metatag (and I noticed that SEOMoz doesn't even use metatags). [From Rebecca: we don't use the meta keyword tag.]

No: keep your keywords in the meta keywords down to around 5-8 keywords. Remember each page should have unique keywords as every page is different.

3. He says that commented out HTML that contains any of your keywords is counted as spam.

Yes and No. It really depends on how many comments you have and what your keywords are. Comment tags are meant for you to organize your code, that's it. Do not use them for SEO.

4. He says that javascript in the header will hurt your ranking, because search engines only cache a certain amount of the HMTL source.

True: java and styles should be put into external .css and .js files. This is for load time but also to move you content closer to the top.

Here are a few other basic rules of thumb you may want to follow.

1. Meta Descriptions: Try to use around 4-8 keywords/keyphrases and around 160 but no more than 200 characters in the description.
2. Page title: Keep your title to 66 characters or less including spaces. After 60 characters, Google will cut off the title when it is displayed in the SERPs. Don't repeat words in the title, although remember singular and plural are different words to Google.
3. h1 tags: use this tag only once per page. This tag should contain the main topic of the page while also containing as least 1 keyword.
4. Titles on text links to help with keyword density and accessibility.
5. Alt tags. They also help with accessibility as they should describe what the image is, but if possible try and use at least one keyword in alt tags.
6. This is the most important of them all: Create your site for your visitors, not for search engines. Anything you do for your visitor to make their visit more enjoyable will only help you. Anything you do just for search engines may hurt you.

A good place to start learning about SEO is read Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

Hope this helps.

Hello friends

1. He mentions Lycos and Altavista all the time.
2. He says you should use up to a hundred keywords/1000 characters in the keyword metatag (and I noticed that SEOMoz doesn't even use metatags). [From Rebecca: we don't use the meta keyword tag.]
3. He says that commented out HTML that contains any of your keywords is counted as spam.
4. He says that javascript in the header will hurt your ranking, because search engines only cache a certain amount of the HMTL source.
5. He touts this $300/a year keyword software all the time from wordtracker.com (I'm pretty sure he's in bed with them, and I'd much rather get a premium SEOMoz membership).
Basically the class has been a huge waste of time, I'm an SEO noob and I knew almost all the material before taking the course. I'm going to be asking for a refund, but I want a little more fuel for my angry, angry rant. Please advise.

Thank for all friends.........

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