Hi there.... I'm still exploring SEO world and I would like to have some ideas from you on this issue.

My pages are about photos/images/pictures of AAA or BBB.

Let say that I want optimize for the keyword AAA (1) and for the keyword BBB (2) and NOT so much for something like pictures of AAA or pictures of BBB or photo of AAA or photo of BBB or similar key phrases as they have not a good popularity in monthly numbers of searches but the single words itself AAA and BBB have.

So... I want FOCUS all the maximum optimization as possible on the words AAA (1) and BBB (2) ITSELF much more then phrases combinations aboveā€¦

What can I do exactly about?

Title ?
meta Description ?
meta Keywords ?

all of them are very important , dont forget about title and alt tag for images too

Meta tags are not very important.

Title tags, alt tags, and even the name of the image itself is all helpful for SEO. Good content on page. And work on developing backlinks.

Meta tags are not very important.

Title tags, alt tags, and even the name of the image itself is all helpful for SEO. Good content on page. And work on developing backlinks.

exactly google do not even care metakeywords

Title Tags are considered well by Google. Meta Keywords are not given any importance. At least Meta Description would help the visitors about your product or service and could increase your conversion rate.

i work on comptitive links when it comes to keywords strategies. So my opinion would be to boost your SERP with a 5-10-15 articles spinn on the TOP 25 articles directories, and make a competitive link analise ,and inbound where it's posible. if you want more advice PM!

Actually one of the important factor for me in on-page is the content.

What can I do exactly about?

Title ?
meta Description ?
meta Keywords ?

Get keyphrases in your Title but do so in a way that compels the visitor and impresses the search engines simultaneously.

Meta Description is very important. Keep it short, complete sentences, perfect spelling and grammar and again; do this with a little bit of class not just keyword stuffing.

Meta Keyword is a very important tag. This is your opportunity to indicate to the search engine what keyphrases you think are important on that web page. Does the search engine require it, no, however, it seriously considers your offering and is immediately steered in the right direction rather than it determining for itself the value of your keyphrases. Make full use of this built in indicator.

Get keyphrases in your Title but do so in a way that compels the visitor and impresses the search engines simultaneously.

Meta Description is very important. Keep it short, complete sentences, perfect spelling and grammar and again; do this with a little bit of class not just keyword stuffing.

Meta Keyword is a very important tag. This is your opportunity to indicate to the search engine what keyphrases you think are important on that web page. Does the search engine require it, no, however, it seriously considers your offering and is immediately steered in the right direction rather than it determining for itself the value of your keyphrases. Make full use of this built in indicator.

Thank you Fred

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