hi friends

Did you know What is the meaning of ppc and why need to do it ? find below five tips for ppc.

1. Write effective ads. Google, Yahoo! Searching Marketing and other services have limits on characters per line. With Google, it's tough not to push the limits because space is so narrow. With Yahoo! Searching Marketing, focus on getting your message across without consuming every character. Long ads may discourage people from reading them.
2. Choose the right search terms. If you go after the broad phrases and terms, you'll pay top dollar. Strive for more descriptive and specific search terms that reflect your products or services.
3. Use bid management software. Software can regulate your bids and turn off keywords. You might be interested in clicks during business hours; you might not want to pay for those clicks at 1 a.m. (There's less of a chance that it's a business prospect at that time of night).
4. Test. Test. Test. Try different keywords, ad copy, landing pages and calls to action. Put your budget - whatever size it is - to the best use after effective evaluation. The Search Engine Marketing Industry is estimated to reach $23 billion by 2010. The vast majority of SEM investment in the coming years will involve pay-per-click.
5. Map out a strategy. Don't go after every possible keyword or phrase. Target your online ads around business priorities--such as seasonal purchases, your most profitable products and services, etc.

For more details Please repaly....

Thank You

I totally agree with mapping keywords based on strategy. Very important. Also, one has to keep in mind which words your competitors use.

Here are some tips..

1. Link directly to what you sell. If you offer many products.. Pick one and create ads for that product alone.. Then link directly to the page you can buy that item. You're working for an impulse purchase.

2. Don't settle on one keyword and sit and wait.. take time and come up with a bunch of keywords or phrases for that single product or service.

3. Remember what a person types into a search for your products or services..
If your product is a hammer.. find out all the different types of hammers.. what are all the reasons a hammer is used for.. & why they wouldn't just go to a hardware store and buy it.. If you can't figure why a person won't just go to the store and buy it there.. Don't waste your money..

If you offer a niche hammer... than your in business.. Our hammer extracts nails better than your store bought claw hammer.. So imagine why anyone would want this product.. and then you can come up with good keywords..Crowbar, crow bars, pussy paw, pussypaw, nail removing tools, nail puller.. just shooting from the hip.. (By the way a pussypaw is a small crowbar that extracts nails without leaving much of a mark. :-) So for instance it is easier to buy a hammer that extracts nails out wood easier.. so it may be a good idea to use nail extracting methods or tools as some of the keywords or phrases.. When a Carpenter sees he doesn't have to carry around 2 tools on his tool belt.. This hammer will make sense..

4. Features, Functions & Benefits of your products or services have to be laid out. Use those terms to figure your keywords and phrases.

5. You don't have to come up first in the search. Most times.. you can save a lot of money by being listed 3rd or forth even fifth. That's why they call it shopping..

6. Find an affordable means to get the word out about your products & services.. Check out SNIP

Thanks for Guideness

Good article, and very timely for our company. We are just now creating our first series of landing pages for several products being launched on our new website. And these are Brilliant tips for anyone new to this, and a fantastic reminder for those of us who have been doing it for some time.

I agree competitors wording is really important for you, maping is most important nad the tsrategy you are deciding for it

I have been goofing around around with Adsense for a few months and all I ever accomplish is spending a bunch of money. I get clicks but never any sales. I am thinking of getting the PPC Bully Program thing because the reviews are pretty good on advanced copies and the free report was interseting and showed a few good tips

Everyone has a different version of what a lot of clicks are.
If you all want to be honest with yourselves..
Look at your lifetime stats on your website.. Then look at how many sign ups you have ever had and divide it by the number of visitors and this will give you an "idea" of what you can expect for a sign up ratio..

There is an advantage of clicks compared to impressions when you're in it for the long haul.. Impressions which will be much higher than clicks is "Branding"
As you know, the more familiar people are with your company.. simply by seeing your links, the more trust worthy your brand becomes.. I believe this pays off in the long haul for clicks to sign up ratios.. This is important to remember when using any PPC program..

Everyone has a different version of what a lot of clicks are.
If you all want to be honest with yourselves..
Look at your lifetime stats on your website.. Then look at how many sign ups you have ever had and divide it by the number of visitors and this will give you an "idea" of what you can expect for a sign up ratio..

There is an advantage of clicks compared to impressions when you're in it for the long haul.. Impressions which will be much higher than clicks is "Branding"
As you know, the more familiar people are with your company.. simply by seeing your links, the more trust worthy your brand becomes.. I believe this pays off in the long haul for clicks to sign up ratios.. This is important to remember when using any PPC program..

Hi Friend,

I would like to say thank you very much for your advise. it's my request you to give me more information about adsence tricks, is there any profit from this? i do not know more about adsence. please explain me in brief,

Thanks in advance.



Nice Resourceful tips

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