Hi Everybody,
I have idea about micro blogging and I heard from many peoples that micro blogging is useful for traffic purpose. I want to know your ideas about micro blogging and I also want to know that how can I use it for increase my site traffic.

Thanks in advance for your opinion!

Micro blog is nothing but a blog which is limited with character. Twitter is a micro blogging portal.

Right, micro blogging sites like twitter are really nice channel for generating traffic for your sites. You might want to setup your profile correctly and use your targeted keywords in your tweets tactically for increasing followers and thus traffics.

Have a nice day,

It is a network that allows its members to post short messages to a select number of followers either publicly or privately. Post insightful thoughts, links to interesting sites... your posts have to be short they have to have some meaning.

Microblogging is a form of blog and it is a networking services which allows the users to publish theri updates via mobiles and other internet connected devices. Microblogging is restricted to 140 characters or less. Micorblogs are updated to microblogging services like Twitter, Jaiku and others.

Microblogging sites are great for getting target traffic to your website. But your posts should be unique, interesting and of course informative. Site like twitter is quite popular now and over there you need to follow people who are having similar interest like you. You need to interact your follower properly by retweeting their posts that you find useful, comment on their posts etc. You need to promote your site but everytime it should not seem that you tweet only for promoting your site. So you also need to tweet something that you find interesting and having similarity with your niche.

Yes, ofcourse. And usage of special character(#) before your keywords will make the campaign effective.

ya really micro blogging is the best way to generate traffic .. thanks for sharing

Micro blogging is a type of blog where a limit is required of words such as twitter. through micro blogging one can access the keyword for their website.

Right, micro blogging sites like twitter are really nice channel for generating traffic for your sites. You might want to setup your profile correctly and use your targeted keywords in your tweets tactically for increasing followers and thus traffics.

Have a nice day,

Thanks for your suggestions!
I using twitter and posting tweet regularly and I using my site and blog url in my tweets but I don't know how should I use my keyword in twitter. Please suggest me so that I can use my keywords in my tweets.

Thanks for the information that was really god to have knowledge about it...

The most bright sample of microblogging is usage of Twitter! i'm sure you have geard already about it benefits, so no options to repeat it again. Just get started with Twitter and enjoy traffic increasing daily!

First of all you need to build some backlinks for your site. After that you need to just share those URLS of backlinks on micro blogging sites like twitter.

Now I have 3300 followers on twitter and I am getting some traffic from here but the bounce rate is too high so what should I do to reduce bounce rate.

Micro blogging is a network service that allows mobile users of cell phones and other Internet connected devices to stay abreast of activities within a group by getting frequent published updates, typically of 140 characters or less. Text messages are uploaded to a micro blogging service.
my space

Hi, Mark121

Micro blogging sites would refer to social networking sites like twitter, friendfeed and other. I think you might target right keywords for your niche, build an attractive profile page, generate more followers on them for traffic purpose.

Have a nice day,

Hi, Mark121

Micro blogging sites would refer to social networking sites like twitter, friendfeed and other. I think you might target right keywords for your niche, build an attractive profile page, generate more followers on them for traffic purpose.

Have a nice day,

How Can I use my target keywords in my tweets on twitter ?

I like the short, succinct messages that make the point. It is highly available and the mobile applications are simple. Because of it's simplicity, I personally think it's great.

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