Hello Friends,
i have done seo of some sites near two year before, in those two year we are not doing seo of these sites but these sites are still have good serp on its Niche keywords.
so my question is one time seo is remain whole life, they need not any seo after one time ?

No it's not enough

I think SEO would be a life time (site life time) job. You need to update your pages and build more backlinks for your pages for keeping your SERPs of your targeted keywords.

all the best,

No, One time seo is not enough for life time because it's remain only till that when your serp's not decrease position in search engines. It also may be that the keywords are not have too many competition by which your site have good serp's because if your site have good serp's in any competitive keywords then it will not remain after 20 to 30 days if you stop seo working for your site.

You must start the SEO work again. Today you may have good SERP, but in future this may not be. Because if your competitors are doing promotion, they can occupy your position in search results and you may left behind

Search Engine Optimization is a Continuous process you need to continue work on it as everybody wants to be on top so every body is trying hard to get on 1st page leaving behind there competitors.. So we can not leave the seo part forever..

Hi there,
Every website need continuously SEO work for get a top ten place on search engines. Not one time or few days seo work give us top place on search engines.

SEO work you must start again. Today you have good SERP, but maybe in the future it might not. Are promoting your competitors because they can capture your position in search results and you can leave behind

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