To improve traffic to our Website in SEO Do Social Networking. i know this but my problem is how the traffic will comes from these sites?
i tried it but i didn't get. is there any special procedures or any techniques to get traffic from networking sites?:(
can any body give me the suggestions.

in my experience, we will get traffic from the address of website that we put in our profile.. people will click it to find out about our website..

second integrate your blog with your social networking site... for example, put a snippet about some article in your social network then put your blog link there and ask the reader, if the want to reaad more, go to that blog...walla, u get traffic..

There are many other good social networking sites out there. Here is a list of some that will help by providing a link to you site on the public profile page and each site provides a different way to reach out to people in your network. I am a member of each one in the list and am slowly building up my network in each... It take a lot of time.

Try to develop a system where you can edit your information in each site with information from another one of your sites. For instance, like with what Lecee said, you can quote part of your blog on your facebook page to bring viewers to the full article.

claimID- insert a link to your various social networking sites... (start here)
Merchant Circle
My BlogLog

Can anyone explain me about Social Networking method?


In my own experiences, social networking sites like twitter, facebook are really useful for traffic purpose. You need to setup attractive profiles with your targeted keywords and write your keyword oriented posts with hot trends words on those platforms. Of course, increasing followers would be the main issue for success on social networking sites.

have a nice day,

Thanks for your valuable message. And I need more clarification about that.

Tweet regularly about your site and create a facebook fan page. Post some messages in it. Make a network with your niche people so that you can gain better traffic from social networking sites.

Hello guys thanks for reply's. but every body knows that for traffic we have to use social networks but the thing is how to do that like which type of users we have to add and groups.

The Facebook has a million user’s wide-reaching since you can essentially do just about everything on the website. It's no doubt it has taken over MySpace and Friendster over a small period of time.

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