I held a spot in the top 4 of google for the past 10? years. Now I am not even on the first 20 pages.
Was sent here to look for answers on how to get back to the top.
Help please

When did you lose your ranking?

Was it Sudden?

Eek, I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm going to repeat what the above posters asked, which is whether or not you recently made any changes AT ALL? Even things you would not have associated with your rankings. A dramatic website makeover? Changes to the homepage? Dramatic change to page content? Any new or different SEO or marketing efforts? Can you pinpoint the change having occurred at the same time as ANYTHING that you recently did?

The Good idea is start building the links for youe website with relevant to your niche and also with good pr..

Just get link from trusted link like .gov, .edu you will get good rank again and don't spam anywhere

Hi, arxh

In my own experiences, such an old domain would usually have a really stable SERP for your targeted keywords and it should be fully trusted by Google and other engines. I would like to recommend you to have webmaster accounts with all top 3 search engines and find out if could find some clues via webmaster centers.

all the best,

The PageRank is measured based on the some links a site has and the PR of the pages it links to. Raising the backlinks is efficient in improving PR.

I forgot to suggest submitting an email with Google Webmaster Tools, asking them if you were blacklisted or banned for any reason.

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