our site is a new site, it's pr is 0 ,How to get backlinks?,other people doesn't to exchange links with me.

submit your site to free directories


Submit your site into high page rank directory, try to comment on do follow blogs, forum posting and article posting also.


put a link in ur sig :)

Do not go for link exchange as it is not a google favorite technique.. Go for article submission and blog posting... Look for the quality stuff rather than working blindly!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of improving the volume and quality of traffic of a site on search engines. Submit your site into high page rank directory,and also work on Blog commenting,social bookmarking and forums posting...

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Reciprocal link building (link exchange with someone) is not the way to go for you at this point. try to make some one way links by using forum, social bookmarking, article submission etc. and then earn may be 1 or 2 page rank then link exchange will be easier for you.


off-page an on-page and summit high Pr blog.

Hardwork, gotta go to sites in your same niche and get backlinks. It just takes time to increase page rank, but by consistently adding new links everyday you will get there.

Pursuit of PR is a useless endeavour in search engine optimisation. Internet marketers around the globe seem endlessly convinced that PR means something significant in life but any search engine optimizer knows that pumping up a ridiculous little green puke bar doesn't often equate into acquiring any additional volume of qualified traffic to your web pages. How can it when a web page with a PR value of 0 like your very own can consistently and esily outrank PR6+ web pages optimized for the exact same keyphrases. Go figure.

To gain PR doesn't matter the quantity, the most important is the quality of the links.

always try to submit your site on high pr sites

You can do other off page activities to increase your website back links as well its help you to increase website PR also.

Well For me Pr doesn't matter much as my site is on top 10 with pr0.. I think try to get as many high pr backlink related to your niche, that has a huge impact on Pr of your site.

baclink seek as much, that's what will increase your blog PR

Well all these methods are useful in link building but I want to suggest you to keep more attention on blog commenting (dofollow blogs), and directory submission(of high pagerank).

Start forums Posting,Directories and artical submission to get backlinks

Pursuit of PR is a useless endeavour in search engine optimisation. Internet marketers around the globe seem endlessly convinced that PR means something significant in life but any search engine optimizer knows that pumping up a ridiculous little green puke bar doesn't often equate into acquiring any additional volume of qualified traffic to your web pages. How can it when a web page with a PR value of 0 like your very own can consistently and esily outrank PR6+ web pages optimized for the exact same keyphrases. Go figure.

I will always accept link exchange requests and reciprocate, but when it comes to ranking high in SERPs, link exchange has nothing to do with it. It's all about keywords and on-page optimization.

Also try to become an authority on your niche. Post articles on forumsn and blogsites. Useful, relevant content will make you an authority, but it takes time and hard work.

Also try to become an authority on your niche. Post articles on forumsn and blogsites. Useful, relevant content will make you an authority, but it takes time and hard work.

Exactly. Organic SEO involves niche marketing and social media networks like facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon. These as well as forums and blogs are highly beneficial.

With the help of off page Seo we get back links. With the help of Article submission , Blog posting and social bookmarking we get instant backlinks.

start commenting on sites/blog of same niche.(don't care about dofollow as the time you will spend in checking the dofollow will be more than dropping a comment. :D)
for directory submission for to directorycritic(dot).com
3).start using twitter and follow the people of same niche. work of fb too.
4). prefer three way link exchange.Google wont catch it.
5). although i hate writing articles, but i must say that its the best way to get back links.

Dun care bout pr/Alexa. the thing that matters is ranking in SE.
hope this will help you.

Many directory owner are waiting to take your link submission, so friend why not submit back link to that.

You will have to design your site in such a way that people are willing to share some backlinks with you.

i think, submitting the site to different directories and article directories, is the best way possible.

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