i have checked my gogole web master tool and one of my website showing options no data under Links to your site tab............what is the main issue ?
please tell me what is this?

Good keyword ranking and properly indexed by Google. two days before 189 links in links to ur site options now nothing

Use Yahoo site explorer it will show you all the links

Yeah yahoo is better for checking backlinks then Google.

I agree with the above use yahoo site explorer with this search on search bar site:http website.

Design a hot Wordpress theme, and distribute it for free, requiring they keep your link in the footer.

i got my links back thanks for the support....Dani Web...........

Member Avatar for Living-seo-life

Dont worry much about back links shown by Google they only count links meet certain criteria. Try SEOQuake tools its the easiest way to see other links.

I got my Links ..........back in Webmaster tool thanks for the Support ..........Dani web member

Backlinks from high pr ranking sites and using the appropriate keyword anchor text is probably the most important seo requirement after a fully site has been fully optimised

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