
I know this is an old topic but I really want to know what some good search engines to submit my sites too.

When I checked on my sites's stats, some clicks from Google, Yahoo, and msn. And, I don't get any click from other search engines like AOL, etc...

What are Good search engines to submit websites?

How often should I submit them to?


It wont help you to submit ti search engines... Try to enhance your content while building the amount of links pointing to your best pages / important services..

You could do that by writing articles and submitting them with links to your website.. Submit to important directories... And more and more... There are many link building guides out there ..

Anyhow.. Good luck

Submit it to Google, all you need.


hahaha of course goooooooooooooooogle

hahaha of course goooooooooooooooogle

I don't just mean Google because it's the biggest and most obvious :)

I mean just Google because other search engines and directories scraps content from Google :)

I submit my site in Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines.

Apart from submitting to Google u should concentarte on the content on ur website and also blog incorporation in your site with good content will help your site to be more searchable.

when you talk about Search Engines obviously people think about only Google (except in case of China where Baidu doing great), so why to go for others? From Search Engine traffic maximum traffic is coming from Google I think more than 50-60 %. So why to think of others?

when any site comes the on page people already submit on search engines. We don't need submit it again.

Obviously google,yahoo,alexa and bing is the good search engine. You can submit link to all of them.

Only submitting the sites does not get you links. Its also important to get backlinks for your concerned website.

It wont help you to submit ti search engines... Try to enhance your content while building the amount of links pointing to your best pages / important services..

You could do that by writing articles and submitting them with links to your website.. Submit to important directories... And more and more... There are many link building guides out there ..

Anyhow.. Good luck

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