Hi Everyone,

I'm webmaster of two sites

I've submitted << snipped >> to google >100 times, and it still isn't listed! I submmitted through this site: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Do you have any advice? Should I purchase an SEO like TrafficBlazer and if so, which one?

For my second site, I've submitted it to google MUCH less than the other site and it's listed! The only wierd thing is that when it does come up, there's no description! And yes, I did use meta tags for both sites.

Thanks for your time!

Give it time. You will recieve a confirmation email.

Submitting to Google (or any search engine for that matter) nowadays is a waste of time. Google finds sites based on how many other sites on the web link to them. The trick is to get as many other sites to give you backlinks ... that is, to link to you. The more sites that link to you, the more frequently and deeper the Google bots will spider and index your site.

The idea is that when another site links to you, it's like a vote for your site. The more sites that link to you, the better of a resource your site must be ... that's the primarily logic behind Google's algorithm, anyways.

cscgal is right, Google will find your site if it's crawlable, so make sure the html is clean for a start and even a link in your signature in this forum will allow google to initally 'find' you. Going a step further you might want to check out Google Sitemaps which is designed to help new sites get indexed and existing sites get index more effectively.

That's correct. A link from a page indexed by Google (or any SE) "should" automatically index your site.

You may want to check to see if your domain is "clean". Over and over again I hear at conferences to check domain history to make sure it wasn't previously banned. If it is banned, the search engines will listen if you file for reinclusion.

A common indexing barrier is a robots.txt file disallowing the crawlers. Check www.yourdomain.com/robots.txt to see if there may be an issue.

Submitting to Google (or any search engine for that matter) nowadays is a waste of time. Google finds sites based on how many other sites on the web link to them. The trick is to get as many other sites to give you backlinks ... that is, to link to you. The more sites that link to you, the more frequently and deeper the Google bots will spider and index your site.

The idea is that when another site links to you, it's like a vote for your site. The more sites that link to you, the better of a resource your site must be ... that's the primarily logic behind Google's algorithm, anyways.

submitt isnt wasted time, its depend on how you submitt it. If you just build up a site and leave it there wittout submitt to seo, thats will wasted your times and host.

my idea:
- build up the site
- fill out everything
- submitt to seo
- 1 - 2 weeks u will get list on msn and yahoo, after fews weeks u'll on google and other
- relax and lets it roll

i know dani web start long times ago but not much peoples active. even tho the forums is set to subcri mode..

to invrease the active members isnt hard

Trick to get your website indexed is to place a link to a website or page which gets indexed very often.

It can be a blog (my case, I get my brand new blog indexed in just 2 days flat by placing a link to one of my blog which gets crawled every second day- in fact this is how i got PR to my brand new site as well :D) or a website etc.

Also generate a Google XML Site Map of your website and submit to Google. Your website will definitely be indexed in few days time.

Participate in forums and have your site in the signature. This way also you will get your site indexed...

i agree...it's very difficult to get sites crawled by google...i've tried various 'tricks' that people have told me about, but still without much luck...i'll keep trying. ;)


also make sure that your site does not have any spam by any means cause google will not index your site if it has any kind of spam as google depends on human work

Hi Everyone,

I'm webmaster of two sites

I've submitted << snipped >> to google >100 times, and it still isn't listed! I submmitted through this site: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Do you have any advice? Should I purchase an SEO like TrafficBlazer and if so, which one?

For my second site, I've submitted it to google MUCH less than the other site and it's listed! The only wierd thing is that when it does come up, there's no description! And yes, I did use meta tags for both sites.

Thanks for your time!


First advice, if I may: do not purchase anything that promises "cheap" or "instant" submission to "1000´s of directories" , bla, bla...
If you are or wanna be a good webmaster, then do it yourself.
-Clean up your html with example "Tidy"
-Check your metatags with "w3 validator" - look if you have a proper DOCTYPE,...
-why submit your site to Google? ´Cause Google is a king of the world! No, seriously - Google indexes your site on three main ways; by robots.txt, by sitemaps (if you do not know, how to create one, try "sitemapspal.com") and most important, by links (not how many, but how quality!).
Well, this is all for the start, hope you will succeed!


5 days ago i got a domain and build my website... and 2 days after i uploaded files from ftp my website was on google :)

Any linkback to your site? If not, you should do exchange link to free or paid website.
Check your site on google type this in search box: Site:xxx.com

Build more backlinks over time.
Good luck!

search engine optimisation and ranking on first page of Google is not easy. Submission of your website to the major search engine s or listing websites will not suffice for getting your website indexed. Search engine like Google may index your pages but the ranking will be very low. You will need to be patient and invest some of your time on manual Search engine optimization tasks on a daily basis. In due course your rank will improve. Please be aware that there are nearly 40 million web pages out there and only 10 can appear on the first page of a search engine result page.

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