If I make the w3c validation for the website and also resolve the broken link error. Is that helpful for my site ranking?
Without backlinks and error free site is this combination helpful for my site ranking?

An error-free site is always great from an end-user usability perspective. I think that it might play a small role in site ranking but I am not sure of this. Back links are the primary way to increase site ranking in today's world.

being error free will improve the way google perceives you which in turn will help with google rankings, but without ANY backlinks you wont gain any rankings

I think it is very much helpful to increase site Ranking. The primary way to increase Site Ranking is Back links.

Ranking starts with an Error Free web blog or site. Broken links must be fixed right away. If you work with WordPress, search for PlugIns that detect broken links and deletes them automatically on your blog.

Good spelling and writing and subject matter is super important. When people enjoy reading your post they often will link to your site and you then get those very needed back links.

Again back links are important to every website trying to get natural traffic for visitors in Google and other search engines. Say you have those back links, nevertheless, SEs will take away rank from your site for ERRORS...

Some great place to help you with site optimization is Fiverr.com, especially when you are on a limited budget... find your expert there who can help you for only $5 Dollars..

Yes it is important to have a clean coded website. On Page and Off Page SEO will both affect the rankings on the major search engines.

Ya absolutely.It will help you a lot in improving your ranking in SERP's.

Yes it is helpful for bing and yahoo because bing and yahoo hate site having w3c errors

w3c validation is a best for improve ranking in Google

how ever the website is, error-free or updated information... you always have to work on certain ways to unlift your website ranking- like SEO, promoting them with advertisements and such things.
i use the link wheel services from SBglobal infosoft [http://www.sbglobal.info/linkwheelservices.aspx]... they have really helped me out to increase my website traffic by writing good articles about my site.. you can tryout some sites like that to improve your website ranking.


totally my site is new, How can i get more traffic as soon as via organic seo?

If I make the w3c validation for the website and also resolve the broken link error. Is that helpful for my site ranking?
Without backlinks and error free site is this combination helpful for my site ranking?

Yes absolutely Error Free on web is more important to get result but in most competitative keywords need quality backlink to get good result on Search Engine Ranking. So do the Offpage factors to get good results

An error-free site is always great from an end-user usability perspective. I think that it might play a small role in site ranking but I am not sure of this. Back links are the primary way to increase site ranking in today's world.

I am agree with you because error free site create good image in visitors. And nowadays link building is one of the best way for get ranking because rank depend on quality backlinks.

Having a clean, error free code makes it easier for the bots to navigate your website and therefore give you credit for the content on your pages. Although most code errors are benign occasionally code error can stop the bot from reading subsequent content on your pages.

W3C validation and no broken links are good for usability. IMO it's not play important part in ranking.

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