
I have posted a blog on squidoo for a long time , i am still waiting a banklink from squidoo to my website but i got nothing yet. I have checked the link in the post all is good but i dont know how to get back link from squidoo ?

Hi, well same problem is mine.m also still waiting but there is no response.can anyone tell??? Thanks in advance.

you need to do some link building to your squidoo lens in order to get it indexed by google. I had the same problem in past

We can get links from squdoo by creating lense

I don't get what you're trying to ask? If what you're asking is "how you can make back link within the Squidoo lenses", before publishing the lens, check for the Squidoo modules that allow html codes. Some of those modules I know that accept html codes are "the most important" module. Or you can add the Link List module wherein you can place different pages of your website that you want to be highlighted. If what you're trying to ask is, why you're squidoo lenses is not visible in SERPS, Monsterb is right! You've got to make link building targeting that specific Squidoo lenses in order to make it visible in search results. Don't also forget to Search Engine optimized your lens using the SEO feature Squidoo and to stuff your content, as well as the title, with the right keywords.


Is the squidoo effective for enquiry of our business via online posting...??? meet again.

If you would like to see your squidoo lens as one of the backlinks for your site then it should have unique and useful content for your site. The lens should also have good and useful keywords and you have to work hard for that lens to get it on top of search engines for your suggested keywords. Now coming to the backlinks issue you need to get them for your lens from quality sites.

If you are looking back link from sqidoo to your website then you must optimize your back lens first. And the best way is too Social bookmark your lens and get a good traffic to it.

Try and bookmark your squidoo lens or do anything that would make your lens fall in the eyes of Google. Google can count your backlink only if it indexes your page. I hope it helps :)

This is the best way for it. It will be done like this. you need to do some link building to your squidoo lens in order to get it indexed by google. I had the same problem in past. This is very necessary.

You can do social bookmarking and promote your lens through social media.

Hi. I am new in the form. Great community!!!

Useful for me! Thanks for sharing:)

if you want to get links from squidoo then you will have to create lens on that . and for create a lens you will have to write an articals

spend time promoting your lens and get indexed by Google... you can get backlinks commenting to some squidoo lenses..

I have the same problem thanks who tried to solve our problem

I wonder how important is a link from squidoo. It has the same importance as the one in DMOZ?

Squidoo links basically give you a crappy quality link. I don't even really see these lenses ranking in google anymore so I would say that Google doesn't favor these types of links. You will probably get the same quality out of a crappy directory.
No one knows for certain.
They are easy links to obtain, so how much "credit" could Google really give?

Squidoo is nice for other reasons, it's a decent social network, and a place where you can easily learn new things.

Paid links are taboo in the SEO world, and many, many link building companies will swear up and down, left and right, that they don't pay for links.

You will have to create squdoo lense to get backlinks for your site

you can reat it on seo

you should optimize your squidoo lens first,and best way to optimize your squidoo is bookmarking.It will help you a lot.

i heard creating squidoo lens can be very profitable if anyone here can chime in and share some squidoo that would be awesome.

Just sign up for a new profile and enter your link there. It's very simple. :)


So far i never used it. After reading all your post so i thought of using it.

I am confursed using squidoo. Difficult to used it's lences..

I had wored on squidoo but did not get the desired results.I think it is a waste of time!!

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