Can you explain how Google PageRank works? And how can I find out my site's PageRank? Thanks.

Can you explain how Google PageRank works? And how can I find out my site's PageRank? Thanks.

It doesn't work and it doesn't mean anything significant except (I assume) to Google.

No one have idea how Google gives Page Rank for websites, because Google used hundreds of algorithms to give rank to a specific page and no one familiar with those but we can follow some ethical steps to get a high page rank or it's surely came after a lot of smart work.
To check Page Rank of your page visit, SEO Quake Tool, Google Toolbar.


Google Page Rank is Google's rating indicating the value of each and every website or webpages. Google determines the rate of each and every website or webpages using an algorithm criteria. If the Google spiders or bots found out that your website is relevant to the KW typed in search boxes, it will index that particular website or webpages in the search engine results. Google got unique criteria in determining the relevance of your website on the KW matched. In SEO marketing, experts says that by having a quality backlinks and valuable content, there are chances that your website will be visible on the first page of the search results. Thus, in SEO... Link building and creating quality content is where SEO experts give their focus. In order to find your site's ranking, there are so many tools designed to do so. If you are looking for a tool that will show you the exact page ranking of every page in your website that are indexed by Google, then you may use Internal Page Rank tool ( This tool can provide you the number of pages that have been indexed by the SERP's. If you are looking for a tool that can determine the number of your pages that are already indexed, then you may use Indexed Pages tool ( With this tool, you can track if the Search Engines start to crawl all pages of your site and index them all. Moreover, if you are looking for a tool that can display all internal and external links of a website with the corresponding anchor texts in a summary table, then you may use Link analysis of external and internal links ( to do so.

Page rank has been out dated these days .If you want to increase you page rank then create more backlinks from web 2,0 site and use

Search google with "How page rank work" or "Google search engine Anatomy" or "Google Ranking Factor"

Can you explain how Google PageRank works? And how can I find out my site's PageRank? Thanks.

PageRank is a measure of how authoritative your content is, your pagerank is calculated by analyzing the number of backlinks pointing to your site and the flow of pagerank from that particular webpage. You would benefit from backlinks that are placed on websites that have a high pagerank but not on link farms. You might get short term benefits if you place your links on link farms but on the longterm you are standing at a chance of having your website penalized or even de-indexed from Search engines.

No one know clearly about the the page rank factor . But one simple way to increae page rank by creating backilnks and putting unique content to you site

Google sees your website how your site link with other websites and how popular your website in internet users. These websites must be relevant with your keywords and must be high rank. Then google gives you a rank this called page rank.

You'll get high page rank with quality backlinks and unique content.

Page Rank is a quantity defined by Google that provides a rough estimate of the overall importance of a web page.

Google has its own algorithm .

Maybe some high quality dofollow backlinks

It's a system of ranking your website's quality. The bigger you have the pagerank the better.

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