I have pasted the tracking code into my site, and I know it might take perhaps some days for my pages to get indexed.

But I am curious to know WHERE I can see WHICH pages has been indexed, like shown in a list?

Would that be on then landing page of google webmaster tools, or deep inside some other google administrations programme?

You can check it from Google Toolbar.

What tracking code? Are you talking about Google Analytics?

Is there more than one tracking code to apply to your site? I am talking about the one you put just before the </head>.

Basically I wanted to check which pages I need to do 301 redirects on, since I have changed urls on all my pages.

So I want to know if there is an administration module by google, that could display all my "old urls", hence the ones I want to redirect.

Would that be Google Analytics? Or Googles webmaster tools?

Sorry if I wasnt clear, i was not aware of more than one tracking code by google!

Ill have a look at google toolbar, thanks!

I have pasted the tracking code into my site, and I know it might take perhaps some days for my pages to get indexed.

But I am curious to know WHERE I can see WHICH pages has been indexed, like shown in a list?

Would that be on then landing page of google webmaster tools, or deep inside some other google administrations programme?

If you are using Firefox then I am saying that you should to download firefox addon. After download WEB RANK addon left click on it. By clicked on icon you find a option as indexpages. So clicked on this option you will get indexed pages from three major search engines.

You can find you indexed pages with "Site:" operator. If you have verified Google Webmaster Tools for your site and submitted sitemap.xml then you can find the indexed pages count there also.

The tracking codes and tools are normally being used by webmasters to learn of how their sites are performing over the net, the kinds of keywords used by people who arrive on their homepages as well as learning of the visitors geographical locations.

Indexing data would be different kinds of information and you do not need any tools or web scripts to get your pages indexed and crawled by Google or other major search engines. By adding links to your pages, after a while they would be indexed by search engines robots.

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