
I could really use opinions in the fallowing issues. I am participating in development of a local news site (articles are divided in categories). First of all I am thinking how to structure rss files.

One rss for all articles (could be really big one) or one for each category?

Than what is the best way to submit those rss files to Google (I mean that pages are already submitted through sitemap), so does have any meaning to add those rss files urls in a sitemap , or do you thing there is a better way to submit and not think about duplicated urls submitted ? (Of course in latter option the rss icon in each category will point to the RSS file for that category).

Also does inclusion of these rss files in rss directories play role in SEO like links to the site (more? in a deferent way?)

Also any other aspect of RSS role and use for SEO I didn’t caver is more than welcomed. Thank you in advance for your responses

All I know is that spiders easily crawl the content of your site when you submit your rss feed in a feed directory/service.

Mostly use RSS in SEO for the purpose of blog because RSS have more application beyond just blog.

All I know is that spiders easily crawl the content of your site when you submit your rss feed in a feed directory/service.

Yes, It's all right, I'm agree with you.

RSS is a free and easy way to promote a site and its content without the need to advertise or create complicated content sharing. It is a authentic standard based on XML with the purpose of carrying updates to web based content. It is basically an XML-based format for content distribution.

RSS means one kind of instant news or information about update of service or product. So if any visitor has subscribe rss for our site , then the visitor can get instant update about that through email. And he visit our site to know more about that update and we can get traffic this way.

Submit the RSS urls in different RSS directories will help you to crawl your site or page at more pace...

First of all thank you all for your replies, there weren’t a question though “what is RSS…”. If you can help in any of those please share your opinions.

1> One rss for all articles (could be really big one) or one for each category?

2> Do you submit rss files thought sitemap to Google or thought other way?

The third question involved rss directories and erikko and linkbuildings suggested that helps (for crawling clearness and pace).

Does any body have any idea if this also helps as it were a link from other site, or in deferent way ?

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