
Recently we have designed a website for a company this is the site ( www eugene-labs com ). Let me know whether this website is seo friendly or not. Waiting for your suggestions


Recently we have designed a website for a company this is the site ( www eugene-labs com ). Let me know whether this website is seo friendly or not. Waiting for your suggestions

I don't know about the rest of your web site but this page isn't going anywhere significant in the search engine results pages because of excessive keyword stuffing in the header and in the footer. I also noticed in the code that this webpage has some hidden content in the form of comment tags (for some reason these are located near the footer images) ... etc.

u need to get a a good Dev/SEO guy to run over the site.. lot of stuffing in there and i cant see it going anywhere soon...

hello, i see you optimized your website for mobile devices... how did you do that?

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