I want to boost my site’s ranking as soon as possible but I am in a dilemma, as some suggest paid links are easier to get and so can give results very fast, but then there are some who say it is always better to go for organic linking. Which one is better organic or paid linking?

Search engines frown upon excessive link buying because they want high quality results and not any that seem to be manipulated. Here’s Matt Cutts clearly dismissing link buying strategy-

P.S - Also, have you forgotten the notorious J C Penny link buying case?

I want to boost my site’s ranking as soon as possible but I am in a dilemma, as some suggest paid links are easier to get and so can give results very fast, but then there are some who say it is always better to go for organic linking. Which one is better organic or paid linking?

It is true that you will get the quick results by paid links but that is for the short time and might be you can get your site ranking dropped. As in paid links there are more chances of duplicate links and also not quality and relevant links to your site. So instead of the paid links , you should go for building the organic links using different methods. Though this process will take some time for showing the result but that will be more beneficial for your site to get the more backlinks and also for getting the rank. And these days blogs , social bookmarking ,social media , articles and all these be so helpful for instant and effective result.

Organic linking is better than paid linking. Paid linking is for sometime and also lot of money is spend. In organic linking , no money is spend and it is for long span of time. Search engine also like organic linking.

Organic linking is better for my understanding. Google engine gives preference on natural way of link building.

Even according to Google documentation released over the past few years the Organic Listings especially above the fold pages receive higher traffic and conversion compared to Paid Ads.

Always Keep in Mind: 80% of search traffic heads straight for the organic results

I want to boost my site’s ranking as soon as possible but I am in a dilemma, as some suggest paid links are easier to get and so can give results very fast, but then there are some who say it is always better to go for organic linking. Which one is better organic or paid linking?

Well, I would say there should be some kind of balance between organic and paid links. 80 Vs 20 should work fine

Organic linking is natural way of link building. It definitely has an edge over paid linking.

Paid linking is also not bad as long as it does not violate Google guidelines ( paid links using “nofollow”tags). But many webmasters use paid links to manipulate search results and thus it is discouraged by Google.

I would advice you to go for Organic links which takes time but has long lasting effects while paid links on the other hand give artificial boost to your website.

Yes definitely organic ranking is always preferable. But paid linking can also be done if targeted market is properly defined.

Organic process is much better than paid because paid process is only for sometime.

commented: Pointless -3
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