Google brand links, does it mean that ecommerce sites should start promoting their products along with their brands, like promoting a jacket for being a jacket might make less sense then promoting the jacket for “American Eagle Jacket.” How do you promote products for brand links?

I think I'm confused as to what you mean by "google brand links"?? I do remember reading somewhere that a factor in Google's latest algorithm (or so people think) is to favor big brands.

We've certainly gone that route, encouraging backlinks and even our own page titles to emphasize our brand name as much as the actual keywords we're trying to target.

I don't know. I may be right off topic here but there this Google+ thingy'. When you create your account you get brought into the circles. At this point you can still be one person but then you are offered business pages that will associate your brand with your existing brand's web presence. Soon, Google marries your G+ page with you brand web site and now the two are one: a person and a branded business page. Then once you've morphed into a business brand like this then you share circles around your products circlickly' and follow. Just keep following to be follwed by following followers.

Thing is though, I think you can become more than just one brand. Maybe one persona can sprout endless product sub-businesses morphologized hitherto unforeseen dynamicabilitinessness, justifiably. Never know what you can do in life.

I think I'm confused as to what you mean by "google brand links"?? I do remember reading somewhere that a factor in Google's latest algorithm (or so people think) is to favor big brands.

We've certainly gone that route, encouraging backlinks and even our own page titles to emphasize our brand name as much as the actual keywords we're trying to target.

Maybe big brands with trust like facebook, amazon, ... are in favor now.
But one of the latest changes in the algorithm - mega sitelinks - doesn´t favor e-business at all. You only receive 1 rank within the SERPs (including your sitelinks) and not several ranks for each of your brand-URL...
maybe that´s what moseaaron was referring to?

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