can you apply in odesk even if you're not a programmer?

Yea, I'm a writer and make good bucks from Odesk.

There are lots of other sites like this too, right? Is it similar to Amazon Mechanical Turk or more involved projects?

There are lots of other sites like this too, right? Is it similar to Amazon Mechanical Turk or more involved projects?

In addition to odesk, off the top of my head, I can think of two similar sites: Elance and HiretheWorld
They are freelance sites.

A search for freelance sites would probably turn up many more similar services.

And, no, you do not have to be a programmer. You can write articles, make comments on blogs, conduct surveys, write reviews, create graphics, etc.--whatever services people are looking for. The pay is not that great, since you are bidding against people from all over the world on small jobs, but it can add up.

re are lots of other sites like this too, right? Is it similar to Amazon M

ya ofcoursaly you can apply in odesk. odesk is not only mean fo programmers. their are lot of other secton where you can apply for job. I am seo analyst and I get many jobs from odesk. their are every kind of jobs in Odesk.

Yes you can Apply , and you can earn good amount , if you are specialise in your field

oDesk jobs divided into different categories, such as Admin Support, Writing and Translation, Sales and Marketing, Software Development and many more. I am a web researcher there and I am satisfied so far.

Ofcourse you can. There are a lot of freelance jobs in there. :)

Well I applied but the payment term of Odesk is brain cracking one

Of course, you can offer other services like link building, blogging, typing etc.

Payment Terms in oDesk is simple. There are only two payment terms, viz., Fixed Pay and Hourly Pay. Fixed Pay is not guaranteed while the hourly pay is guaranteed. One important thing you need to note is that the employer should be odesk verified. Else payment is not guaranteed; even if it is hourly as you are applying at your risk.

There are also other websites. They are and Hopefully there are much more.

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