Hey guys..Please help me to find out that Link wheel is good after update or not.One of my friend doing this and he says that his keyword's rank grow up after doing link wheel but when i ask another friend he says that link wheel is bad,you should not do this.I m confused,so i need experts view on this.Let me see what experts says...:)

As my point of view link wheel is not bad, but you have to keep in mind not to use black hat do it in proper manner with fresh unique and with updated content you will surely get success in it.

I think link wheel is still usefull but you must be very careful, Google might recognize your backlinks from link wheel and penalize your site.

Can you tell me the new and proper way of link wheel means should i put unique content to every web 2.0 and then link them?Can you explain this?

i think the proper way is to put the good quality of content with menaing full content can help you. and you can use web2.0 as much as you want depends upon you but no compromise with content quality.

Link wheeling is the best technicque for building links , you just need to write a good quality content and share it on the web 2.0 prpoperties. By doing link wheeling your keywrods ranking definitely improved . Do it this is best .

I'm confused, isn't link wheeling where a bunch of sites in the "wheel" all link to each other? It's like reciprocal links on a larger scale where (hopefully) Google won't catch on that it's a reciprocal link if enough sites are involved, but Google is starting to catch onto this, so I would avoid it. Just MHO.

there is no harm to try it. just give one try for once, if it works you can go for it with long time. but as far as my opinion concernd it working on best.

In Link wheel techniques always using a strong and unique contents.Link Wheel is very useful techniques in Search Engine Optimization.

Link wheel is a best techniques to improve the back links and also increase the page rank to our site.By using blog share with web 2.0 properties also getting traffic to our site.

Thanks for sharing this information for all user.

Avoid link wheel technique.

Google accepted that link wheel is not a white hat link building technique and you must avoid it.

Link wheel process generates the traffic within a short period of time, if you are doing seo for couple of months and need huge traffic, then you can go ahead.

For long term assignment, it is not recemended.

to succeed in linkwheel your web 2.0 blogs should also be up-to-date. For example you should insert articles two or three times in a month.

Make sure you write high quality, engaging content when crafting your link wheel. Make sure your anchor links are your keywords that you wish to rank high in search engines. Good Luck!

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