How can we select effective keyword for our websites? Please specify.

There are many keyword tools on the web (SEO Moz, Digital Point, SEO Book, etc). The goal is to find a niche keyword that describes what people would be looking for on your site, but also doesn't have a lot of competition from competitors also targeting the same keyword.

The trick is to find the perfect balance of a keyword phrase that doesn't have a lot of competition, but also gets a significant number of people typing it into the search engines.

If you're aiming for short tail keywords, a handful of really super niche targeted keywords will do, provided they pull a decent number of search queries. Long tail is when you try to rank for thousands or hundreds of thousands of different keyword phrases, but get little traffic from each one, but it all adds up to something substantial. In other words, it's not putting all your eggs in one basket, because if you lose your ranking for some of your keyword phrases, your overall traffic doesn't take a nosedive.

You can also use Google adwords tool to do keyword research. Another tools you can use are Google related search, social mentions and social media sites.

I think that some of the third-party tools I mentioned actually use the AdWords API.

i use google keyword tool for that purpose that is best

@Dani which tool do you use for keyword analysis

Let me added one more tool, it's traffic travis, it's good and free. I suggest you to choose for long tail keyword.

all these are great tools but as i am using google webmaster tools and i dont have any problem with it. and i must say everyone should use it and try to do some best keyword selection.

only one tool google adword keyword tool is the master that helps you in this case..
also use lsi(latent sementic indexing which is a new rules and guideline suggested by google norms)

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