Hello friends
Please give me the answer.

I'm confused by what you mean. Have awesome content. Have a good, clear navigation structure. Have clean HTML that validates according to the W3C standards.

Aside from the above, you need to present your relevance properly.
URL, path to file, file names, title, description, h1 and h2 tags, page layout, navigation, calls to action, all come into play.
You need to understand where people look and how they read.
You must develop your semantic hierarchy in both the visual and code mediums.
Proper markup is a must.

to omptize the content on ur site u shld use organic seo..
choose 3-4 keywords in the meta tag,title and despriction..
make ur content original and fresh..
happy blogging..!!

Fristly you need to pay attention to the on stie of you site and than try to promote your site with the social book marking and dir submission the off site methods .

Good Content, relevent and unique on page...be lead you to good seo optimized site.

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