Who is better SEO or SMO ?

SEO is Best.
SMO is a part of SEO. SEO is a tree which have the branches named SMO, PPC, SEM.

As per my experience both are very useful techniques in internet marketing..By that we can increase our website backlinks along with good traffic..

Hi,according to my opnion SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Simply put, SEO helps you optimize your website for search engines. It makes sure your website is accessible to search engine spiders, which allow your website to be indexed.

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. SMO helps you in the process of making your website as user friendly as possible.

SMO is part of SEO, read my blog post here

Seo is the best...

Seo stands for Search engine optimization it is the process to optimized your website for serach engine.Whereas Smo stands for social mrdia optimization it is done on social networking sites like facebook , twitter , myspace ...SMO is a part of SEO...

Hi SMO part of SEO !!

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO works for search engines like google, yahoo, bing, etc...

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. SMO works for social media like facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc...

But SEO and SMO are same, both are use for website promotion.

SMO is part of SEO. SMO is Social media optimiZation helps in generating traffic and website promotion.You can generate the leads and enhanced your business with the help of SMO. SEO is Search Engine Optimization, that helps in increase the page rank.

Both are different and important also. If you want to branding the site then SMO is good but SEO give you the just traffic and popularity in search engine.

Hi dear friend SEO part of SMO !!

Both have their own purpose and benefits. First identify your purpsoe to go for any of these. SEO and SMO are diffrent set of practices for difrent purpsoes.

we can not compare th benefits and purposes of seo and SMO. Bothg arer too diiffrent from business promotion perspective. SMo gives us qualified leads while seo help to get motre visitors through search engines. SMO is more focussed upomn marketing.

both techique of inbound marketing use to drive traffic to site, but prefer SEO because it give more accurate or relevent traffic.

Both techniques are good to work on the only thing is to work according to google guidelines..

SEO is for getting back-links and organic traffic and SMO make sites popular in the Social networking site . Both are the important part of internet marketing.

According to me SMO is better. In SMO we have to advertise our site throghu various social media platforms like facebbok, twitter etc. Because now a days most of the people use social media platform for any purpose. So SMO is better to gain more traffic and profit on the site.

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