If I integrate a CRM (customer relationship managementn program) with my exisitng website, would its serp be affceted? How to save curent rankibng? The professional of a company says it would not be; is he right?

First of all, never listen to sales reps :) They aren't the company's SEO / marketing people and don't know about SEO. They'll often just tell you what you want to hear.

However, the actual answer is: it depends. It depends if it's a white label solution, how it's integrated, if there's going to be duplicate content (i.e. the same exact content appears on your site and the sites of every other one of their clients, etc). In order to provide you with an answer, I would need more in depth details about the specific implementation.

Dani, I would like to know your opinion about CRM software that is open source because I can not pay much. I have heard about salesforce and sugarcrm. Which one would be better?

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