Google now replaced their keyword tool as keyword planner, please share how to use this for exact keyword analisis analysis

You can use it as you use last Google keyword tool. Google has add some more features which you will find after search.

After signing up the Google keyword planner, then click on search for keyword and ad group ideas for seraching the keywords status like the traffic, monthly local and global visitors.

Since google change their keyword tool, I tried a new keyword tool by squirrly seo. Is more easier to use rather than the new google planner. At least, for me, is more easier :)

Its not a big deal to use the new keyword planner tool by google, there are slight chances should be updated like multi-keywords estimated by once and avg.monthly searches and only select Exact-Broad-Phrase matches here you can select only one at a time to estimate in different regions.

Till now i haven't use of it but now i'll go there and check it out what all other features are adding in that.

Google is definitely pushing Adwords with it, which is an annoying feature compared to the tool beforehand. I used it a few days ago for the first time and kept getting around a 1000 keywords returned for the list of around 15 that I input. I'll have to diddle around with it some more to see if there is a way to narrow the returns.

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