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Share your ideas regarding online reputation management and its main role for seo

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what is online reputation management

Online Reputation Management(ORM) is extremely important for businesses, individuals and brands of all sizes. If people are searching for your name in the search engines, then there is a chance one day have you will have negative results appearing for you or your brand in the search results. What you do and how you react to these negative results is what many refer to as "Online Reputation Management".

When online reputation management services are being provideed to individuals and brands online, these practices are commonly used to improve rankings in the search results and monitor social networking activity. ORM can also expand into other areas of internet marketing such as review sites, the monitoring of negative complaints and content, responding to customer complaints, communication with sites to remove negative content and also specialization in SEO to help suppress negative content and improve the rankings of positive content for a specific "brand name".

according to meit is the process which protect your brand image, generate positive buzz and increases brand engagement. We use brand strategy and customer advocacy to enhance visibility.

thanks dotspiders for your valuable ideas

Dani...i shared my ideas so go for it

Today when there is huge competition outside. If you want to sustain yourself in the market you need to gain trust. Marketing starts with trust. It's not like you're going outside screaming - Hey I am this --, I have this to offer.. Why they will hear you. So first gain their trust. The first step here come is Online reputation. Build a good reputation on social networking sites. Interact with customers.

online reputation management is managing a brands on digital media more specifically on the internet.

it includes among other things.

online public relations on social networks
managing the information that potential clients see about the brand

Protect your brand image, generate positive buzz and increases brand engagement. We use brand strategy and customer advocacy to enhance visibility

Hai smiti,

You could easily get the result from search engines.

Anyways, Reputation management is the understanding or influencing of an individual's or business's reputation. It was originally coined as a public relations term, but advancement in computing, the internet and social media made it primarily an issue of search results. Some parts of reputation management are often associated with ethical grey areas, such as astroturfing review sites, censoring negative complaints or using SEO tactics to game the system and influence results. There are also ethical forms of reputation management, which are frequently used, such as responding to customer complaints, asking sites to take down incorrect information and using online feedback to influence product development.

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