My website traffic is decreasing day by day now what can i do to increase the website traffic and converted this traffic into sales.

happygeek commented: I just deleted spam from you where you were offering this advice on behalf of your SEO company, so why ask this question? -3

You should know, you represent a SEO company for whom you have been posting adverts here (which I have deleted) - doesn't say much for your company if you have to ask such questions, does it?

You must use SMO and SMM for your website that heplps you to generate traffic to your site.

commented: More clarification is needed +0

Classifieds,press releases,sharing posts in social media can help to increase the traffic.In order for sales conversion, then the landing page for the visitors should be attractive with pics,even videos of products.

I think you use the low keywords for your website or change the description and keywords related to your website and submitt the links in the articles and directories again. I hope this will help you.

commented: Articles and directories ?? Do you really think its working any more ? +0

You should need to run Paid Marketing Campaign for your products/services that bring more traffic and responsive customers. If it is not affordable then you need to use different SEO techniques like show off your products, classifieds, content marketing etc.

I hope this will help you to boost up your sales.

You should use social media Facebook,twitter and Google plus etc to drive traffic to your website and generate sales.

do local listing of your website. classifieds, press release

You can use ppc with seo services to get the traffic .

Update your content and blogs regularly , its will helps to increase your traffic

Well, I know you provide SEO service and is still ..... anyway what you can do is first log yourself over to the webmaster tool and check for any messages over the manual action page, if you see any messages then I guess you know what to do, but if there isn't anything. I would say try looking at your backlinks and the work your are moving forward head over to the search engine land and get yourself updated to the recent changes which has been taken place over the recent changes, Google has recently updated its algorithm have a look over the content of your site and see if there's any duplicacy or ... ??? Also try studying your competitors look what they are up to, I am sure you will find where the problem is ?

The site traffic has decreased, and will continue to decrease, you have proven incompetent in the field you pretend to occupy, SEbots are very AI, even a robot can determine useless.
Go away, learn something about SEO,
optimise your site using the skills you learn,
and hope that you can reverse the result of your incompetence.
importantly, go away

Do you have any subscribers and followers already? Try to mobilize them into giving you some worth of mouth with their friends. Polls have shown that people really go for what their friends suggest to them. Wish you well!

commented: Don't you think the very first step he would be following is checking his website up because @OP is loosing traffic day by day means there has to be some problems with the website. +0

Try social media optimization (SMM) and social media marketing (SMM). Because, social media is really a best platform for promoting businesses and gathering audiences around the world.

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