Hi to all,

Can anyone tell me about alexa ranking and its ranking procedure? I'm doing seo for one of my client website, were alexa ranking is high(6 digits). Whether higher alexa ranking is good for my website? Thanks in advance.

No. Its not good for your site. Alaexa rank is just measurement that how popular your site in SE and your traffic from different resources. Always low rank is appreciate for any kind of website.
Alexa rank update at daily basis so just focus on generate quality back links from reputable sites.

Alexa ranking of a site is calculated depending on how many visitors with Alexa toolbar installed have visited. Lower result means better position in Alexa Ranking. It helps Webmasters and advertisers see marketing potential of your Web site.

Lower the ranks better is the traffic, however it is sometimes misleading as it only consider the visit coming from browser where Alexa toolbar is installed,

No higher the Alexa rankings means that you aren't getting any peice of traffic over your site and its going to effect you adversely. Alexa is something which has to be less the lesser the alexa is means the higher the traffic you are getting, more the alexa is ..... And yes one more thing Alexa rankings can be manipulated so, there is a little advice no need to think about it much just keep on doing the correct things.

Alexa rank does bring blogger’s concentration; it is updated in a week or occasionally may be three times in a week. Alexa widget is effective to improve website ranking and even some website rankings improve, to improve in Alexa ranking.

@vaidhegipatel - Alexa is actually updated daily, however that doesn't mean that your site will necessarily change rank daily.

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