i have a website that that has been on the 2nd page of google for over 6 month
i have been trying to move it to the first page for a long time without much success
how can i do this
any ideas
why is it so easy to move a website from page 50 to page 3 but very difficult to move from page 3 to 2 or from page 2 to 1

Well, you are on the 2nd page of Google means you are working good with the optimization. Now what you need to do is start looking at your competitors try to find out where you lag and once you found those lags out I am pretty much sure that you can take the steps forward !

Try to get more do follow anchor text backlinks from the relevant and PR websites. Also try to get backlinks from new domain (domain, from which you haven't got backlinks in the past) so that backlinks: domain ratio would be pretty good. This might will help you in first page.

I would recommend you to analyze the websites ( which are on first page ) for the keywords which you're competing with them. And see how can you improve your website comparative to these websites.

I think need to review meta keyword of your landing page:
Make sure include your keyword in Meta Title, Descriptin, and on Focus keyword at one time, and also include on content with 2 to 3 percet keyword density. Also Set up a blog post for this keyword on top blogging service like Weebly or Hub pages.

Stacy you are lucky, your website has on the second page in Goolge Rankings. But you have need to focus on social media optimisation. Post your website to high pr social media sites and also paste original content to your website.

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