What do you think about domain extention like .com, .org, .net etc. touch any SEO value?

Thanks for your time.

read google webmaster instructions: content & clean code matters, nothing else does

i believe that contry level domains & .com extensions really have more impact that obscure domains like .co and .me which are used for spam but at the end of the day its about the quality of the content

Country level domains are having impact when you are targeting a specific country for your business ....

if you would like to target on particular country, then use Country Based Geo Tag too. we can rank globally if we have country based TLD too. Like @almostbob said content is king. Google Shows SERP for the Content of the webpages which is related to the Keyword or Search Phrase

Kind Regards

.COM is the best, good trusts .com too much

Domain extensions are not much important in SEO. But country specific domain extension/TLDs can help you rank higher on local search market.

Will not be affected as a SEO point of view, but the location based.

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