I have read many blogs about how to make blogger comments dofollow but I found nothing good. Each blog has the information about edit template and let me clear one thing here there is no icon of expand widget in template editor but I could remove the nofollow tag from comment script as told in various posts. But what I got is nothing surprising to me because I know there is no method available for making comments dofollow until you own your own domain name for your blog. So be careful from these scam posts.

Ok, thanks for the information.

Search using Search Footprint for Do Follow Blog which enable comment. there you may best your link. but you should spent some time for gathering that list.

Kind Regards

Thanks for this valuable information. We do have a blogspot site and we get good dofollow links from our blog posts but we are not concerned to make the comments dofollow! As other users will get benefit out of it!

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