I have seen the term Google Bot Optimization on some forums. But I can not understand what it is? Is it different from normal search engine optimization or its the same? If somthing exists like this then I would like to know more about it. I need full information on this...

There isn't much difference between normal search engine optimization and Google bot optimization. When you're optimizing your website for the search engine it also optimizes for Google bot too.

SEO means Search Engine optimization. tehre is a lots search engine out there.

if you want to optimize according to google(or google bot) you should check that category.

Google bot (optimizing according to google)

Googlebot optimization because goes a level deeper than SEO. Search engine optimization is focused more on the process of optimizing for user’s queries. Googlebot optimization is focused upon how Google’s crawler accesses your site.
Googlebot is Google’s search bot that crawls the web and creates an index. It’s also known as a spider. The bot crawls every page it’s allowed access to, and adds it to the index where it can be accessed and returned by users’ search queries.

Google Bot is the web creeping bot of Google. In Google Bot Optimization, you upgrade your site's shot of getting slithered by Google's bot like what you more often than not do in website improvement. Slither advancement ought to be a need for any extensive site hoping to enhance their SEO endeavors. By following, checking and centering Googlebot you can pick up favorable position over your rival.

So far, every attempt at coercing googlebot has been classified black by google
don't excede google guidelines in optimising for bots
if the bot decides at any time the line has been crossed, delisting happens fast
Current guidleines, hints, and what has actually to be altered to improve, available on your google webmaster tools dashboard.
No google webmaster tools account, it may be appropriate time to get one

Google bot optimization is nothing but which is focussed on about how google'scrawler access your site.

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