I see a huge difference in my indexed pages, back-links and PR. Does any one know why? Please let me know.

I know that Google update is happening and do any one know when it is going to end?

Well, I think you answered your own question. Google is doing an update. They have a lot of dataceneters that need to be updated which usually takes a couple of weeks to do so it should be finishing up soon.

Updates are always good... it lets you know if you are doing it right or not :)

Woot ... just noticed that we have like eight PR7 pages now. Probably more, but that's all I've found so far. I can't even count the number of PR6's.


Yes, great update for me too!

Many of my websites got PR5 :) Thanks to Google!

Google update is done with my sites.. And did great.. I think the next pr update is december. So i better work hard' before the next pr4 update..:cheesy:


Are you sure that the next update in on December? :!:

Updates happen every three months. That makes the next update due in January.

Yeah i think so.. Coz it updates every 2 to three months.. if not maybe at the end of november.. :)

Updates happen every three months. That makes the next update due in January.

The latest update begun last sept28 so by the december is the next update.. :cheesy:

I don't think the PR updation is uniform through out the world. It has already completed its updation process in some geographical locations. Its due in some parts.

Google update is done with my sites.. And did great.. I think the next pr update is december. So i better work hard' before the next pr4 update..:cheesy:

Would that be why my site still has INDEX on it, it last updated in August...Very new to blog and web sites:confused:

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