I am think something is going on with Google, maybe Google dance, results are displayed up and down all time here, positions are changing since this morning. How about yours overthere?

Thanks for your inputs.

Yeah, I commented a couple of days ago about a change in the backlink count and number of pages indexed. Not sure what to make of it though. My PR toolbars appear consistant and I haven't really caught Googlebot spidering much lately.

IMO Google is always in a dance.

Well that's true. But there are still "big update" periods - at least that I know of. Or am I just very old school?

Well that's true. But there are still "big update" periods - at least that I know of. Or am I just very old school?

You're still old school. :)

But it is accepted that Google is doing an update right now. All "SEOers" and forums are discussing the very same thing. It had been a while since the had a disruptive update so I guess they were due.

Since we're not allowed to post links, please Google for "google dance tool" to find a great service that shows you all three Google server results. Once in awhile you'll see a difference, but most of the time they are all sync'd.

Keep in mind that Search Engine Marketing isn't a task, it's a job. You must continue to build quality links, improve your CTR from the results pages and continuously add great content.

All the Best,
Steve Wiideman

Since we're not allowed to post links, please Google for "google dance tool" to find a great service that shows you all three Google server results. Once in awhile you'll see a difference, but most of the time they are all sync'd.

I like how the copyright is 2003. Shows you how long it has been since Google danced.

Yep. I don't use the tool unless I'm paranoid. Like the other day I came to the #4 spot for seo expert, bragged about it to everyone all day, then by the end of the day I was 21 and all embarrassed. Oh well, I'm #10 now - at least I made the first page.

Google is "uncountable".

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