I was told by someone in the know that the best way to get your forum up and running was to put a link in your signature and post on other sites. However many sites i have done this on have told me off for spamming.

Does any one have any recommendations as it certainly works for the limited durations I was aloud. Are there any particular forums which would allow me which have a big active membership. Preferable a Uk based forum


Does any one have any recommendations as it certainly works for the limited durations I was aloud. Are there any particular forums which would allow me which have a big active membership. Preferable a Uk based forum


Recommentations: DaniWeb is one that fits your description.

I looked at your site (the link in your signature). Maybe you should post in Website Reviews Form to get some great ideas how to improve your forum.

Thanks for the tip

Yeah, daniweb can help. There are also lot of forums can help not only in UK based. It's also better that you promote your site on a forum with more active members.

Do you recommend any in particular? And also how can Daniweb help me. I have no money so it has to be free advertising/listings etc.

Why don't you join facebook and look for other Spurs supporters on their groups.. then you can tell them about your site ;-)

Be patient, it takes time

Yeah I have done that with a page etc..
They got the hump!

Also facebook warned me for spamming the same message.

Yeah I have done that with a page etc..
They got the hump!

Also facebook warned me for spamming the same message.

Add people from spurs groups as friends on facebook, with no message, or if you choose to use a message - then change it a bit each time ie: put the persons name in each time... then put your blog url on your status and promote it elsewhere in your profile.

you need to understand spam first as you are running forum. as you told face book and some other site told you a spammer than this is really sucking. the forum owner should know the idea about how to stop spamming in forum and you still could not identified spamming.

dont repeat any thing on web that will be considered as spam and play your game. then you will be successes.

I see that your forum is about football or whatever you call it... (could be rugby or..?? )
maybe you could go to a game and hand out invitations to the fans..
Or get the team to donate a signed shirt and have a competition..
Pay a team member to be a guest on your forum..
Make your site more interesting with profile pages about players or any information at all..
Put the links to start chatting in the top half of you main page so you don't have to scroll down to find it...

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