I need help to grow my naruto community- I have lots of guests at random times, but they don't sign up. I've even mad e a guests corner where they can post and ask about the features, etc. How can I get the guests persuaded to register. I heard about the articles and link back, and how do you do that?

Basically, how can I get guests to do more than just browse around. So far they can only post in 1 forum- Guests corner- Should I block that access or what???

I have lots of posts in my forums- 1 sticky at least in each forum- I'm realy new to this and I need help.

One tactic would be to offer an incentive to register. You could host a contest or raffle of sorts with a chance to win prizes, however you must be registered to be eligible. I would also recommend that you change the "guests' corner" to a guest book where the user is limited to one 150 character "hello".

You can try digging topics that you or your member post. This will attract certain digg users who are not aware of your site. I also noticed a flashing advertisement on your site, not many people would like that, if you want to place ads, try using only text.

One tactic would be to offer an incentive to register. You could host a contest or raffle of sorts with a chance to win prizes, however you must be registered to be eligible. I would also recommend that you change the "guests' corner" to a guest book where the user is limited to one 150 character "hello".

Excellent suggestions! I love them.

I think first you should let your forum known by more people then make some rullers to interestes your members .

I cant limit charcaters in one forum so thats out of the question- if i limit the characters for one, i limit for all of them. Also, should I let Guests read and view the forums, or just view them but have to login to read the topics. I can't get the guests to join. :(

Before you start having a member's area, consider what members will get for registering. Can they get all the good articles and discussions without it? Can they view all the articles you have, specialized content, etc. while not logged in?

Members will only register if it is worth it to them. It is a fine line between what you want to offer to get them to your site, and what you want to give as a premium for registering.

Some users may also be scared, let them know that you will not send them any sort of spam, and will promise never to sell or give their email out to anyone without their permission.
Also try to make it as easy a possible, I always get annoyed when I wanna sign up on a websites and there are all these hoops I need to jump through.
The ability to win something free is also a good idea (As I saw posted above). A friend of mine runs a successful website with around 40k members and he is always giving stuff away. It doesn't have to be a ton, maybe an iPod shuffle or something even cheaper that seems cool.

Before you start having a member's area, consider what members will get for registering. Can they get all the good articles and discussions without it? Can they view all the articles you have, specialized content, etc. while not logged in?

Members will only register if it is worth it to them. It is a fine line between what you want to offer to get them to your site, and what you want to give as a premium for registering.

Should I make it so they can view only the welcome and guest corner forums and view nothing else-


View all the forums but not read the topics?

I think most people are nervous about reciving spam by giving out there info online. Reassure them that this is not how you operate.

Hold a posting competition and give out prizes for the visitors who posted most.

I think your design or content is attracting users so they come and go off. Incentive is a good idea but also check out as why they are going off. These days people dont have time to wait they should be offered what they are looking if you can give them right on their hand they will just click back or close options of browser.

Good point. Fast download time is essential. If you have a lot of plug-ins, banners and high res pictures you are going to lose traffic.

You must offer an incentive to register. You may buy a great ebook with the rights to distribute, and it has to be really good to build trust.

Yeah, giving an incentive is a good way to gather more registrant. You can also give them a penny if they can refer people.

offer a freebie for registering. I offer an Ebook to my new members plus run contests as well

offer a freebie for registering. I offer an Ebook to my new members plus run contests as well

Ebook is great idea. And if that Ebook is related to interest of the forum people it would be really nice

Ebook is great idea. And if that Ebook is related to interest of the forum people it would be really nice

I agree on this. Ebook also can give you a traffic if it's interested.

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