I'm starting a forum for the first time, I think a off-topic one would be the best/funniest. What name should I pick? If you don't like either, can you give me a general idea of a good name.

What are the choices?

edit: Oops. I'm sorry. I missed the poll. I voted for not liking either. There's just something about long-winded keyword-rich domain names that I don't like. I like unusual words that are easily brandable ... such as Google or DaniWeb ;)

What are the choices?

edit: Oops. I'm sorry. I missed the poll. I voted for not liking either. There's just something about long-winded keyword-rich domain names that I don't like. I like unusual words that are easily brandable ... such as Google or DaniWeb ;)

You know, I was just thinking of something like Google. Something that's not a common/real word. haha I think I will consider different ones. ;)

Cant say I like either to be honest. It is usually so hard to think of a good domain as most are gone. Although i think haveaniceday.com is still available ;)

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