Hello everybody, I want to have my own business on the web, like I find so many these days making good money online. I plan to set up an online store that will be dealing in sale of computer accessories and will later on expand my reach if I find some good profits in that. So, what are the important points to keep in mind while doing this? Waiting for your replies……

This is a very good step in my opinion. You just need to make sure that the pre-requisitions for the website are met and when you are planning to have an online shop it is necessary that you decide the payment option. Either you can, have a third party like paypal handle all the payments or you can have your own payment system. If there is paypal then it would not be a concern, but if your site has its own payment system, then you need to purchase a SSL certificate that will secure the information submitted by the customer to your site. <SNIP>

Coleman is right. You really need SSL certificate for your site just to secure the information submitted.

The personage dealing in online business can automate his business through Drop Ship Products as it helps you to sell the products at wholesale prices and will also provide you the software to help you to automate your entire sale process.

The personage dealing in online business can automate his business through Drop Ship Products as it helps you to sell the products at wholesale prices and will also provide you the software to help you to automate your entire sale process.

I too agree with that. Its very important for an ecommerce website that the information submitted by the user or customer should be secured. We cannot deny the fact that information can be hacked.

So, the SSL certificate is the right choice to secures the information sent by the customer thru browser to the merchant.

Well first buy a domain that will fit your site field.
Get good hosting which i offer.
And make sure your host has Fantastico so it can auto install your e commerce template for free. Ill be more than happy to help you.
Check us out.

you also want a good business plan and market research data prior to shopping around for software. Talk to experienced ecommerce developers and do lots of research.

Yeah, SSL certificate is important if the site involves financial transactions.Secured Sockets Layer ( SSL ) is a protocol that transmits your communications over the Internet in an encrypted form. SSL ensures that the information is sent, unchanged, only to the server you intended to send it to. Online shopping sites frequently use SSL technology to safeguard your credit card information.
The TLS manager gives you the ability to generate SSL certificates, keys and signing requests; each of these three are essential parts of using SSL to secure and protect your website. It allows you to encrypt sensitive information like credit card numbers, logins, CVV number etc. SSL’s are generally used to secure areas like shopping section, login areas and other pages where you want the data to be encrypted and locked while being exchanged over the internet.

Building online store is quite complicated ,first you need a great software script,zencart can all applications base PHP is safer then ASP and then security matter,the best and standard of it is Verisign seal and Mcafee secure site seal validations,and after all the requirement is complete time to move a head at marketing and SEO optimizations.mya dvice of this go to stompernet dot com,for me they are the expert of this marketing online fields

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