I know it's against the TOS to disclose AdSense statistics, but I just want to comment I've noticed enormous drops in eCPM rates over this past month. Just wondering if this is across the board? Or is it just me? CTRs are appearing consistant.

Apparently they're back to normal levels again.

At least they're back to normal for me. :cool:

Are they still low for you?


I saw a 60% drop from about 3 Feb right through to around 2 March. Things seem to have gone back up to the initial levels (for the last week at least :D). I know of two completely unrelated adsense advertisers who saw the same thing. Too weird.

Eek, Mark! 60% is quite the load to lose. Unfortunately, my CTRs are now suffering, but my pageviews are up. These last few months have been fluctuating by so much, I really can't even bet on Google to come through for me with any even near-guestimate amount of money. It's really hard when my monthly budget really heavily relies on AdSense. :(

Same here. My revenue the past month is half of what it normally is with the same amount of traffic and clicks. I just signed up for Commission Junction and Amazon.

This thread is from February 2005 btw. Never had much luck with CJ. Perhaps try ad networks such as ValueClick or Tribal Fusion?

This thread is from February 2005 btw. Never had much look with CJ. Perhaps try ad networks such as ValueClick or Tribal Fusion?

I actually signed up with CJ through Sirius Satellite radio because I'm a big Howard Stern fan. You can listen to The Howard Stern Show free online today and tomorrow. I get $ .50 for each person who signs up for the Sirius Internet Radio free trial. If they buy a radio I get $20. Not bad.

I'm also doing well with Amazon by featureing products which pertain to my site.

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