I've recently learnt of this website, http://www.ijango.biz/freevideo.. and i think i'm interested. Taking extra precautions though before joining. What do you think of the concept? Is it legit? Hope you can help me! Thanks!

I just went to the site and I think it is too early to be getting involved with this. All they seem to have to describe and discuss the product is video and the concept itself seems a bit out there. I would give it a few months to see what plays out.

negative..just another scam MLM system:
ijango scam review
ijango scam review II

just google the owners name or ijango...you know you're an MLM when you try to optimize for ijango scam before they even launch!

negative..just another scam MLM system:
ijango scam review
ijango scam review II

just google the owners name or ijango...you know you're an MLM when you try to optimize for ijango scam before they even launch!

I had a feeling that this was what it was. If you watch the video it is kind of hard to take the guy behind it (the young one) seriously. And when they pan the crowd they do not look like the most tech savvy people around.

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