One pharmaceutical client of mine was very cautious of executing many social media tactics because of federal regulations. What legal concerns have you experienced in growing an online community?

One pharmaceutical client of mine was very cautious of executing many social media tactics because of federal regulations. What legal concerns have you experienced in growing an online community?

I think it really depends on the industry. Pharma, financial, legal, and those govt agencies that participate in social media need to really focus on the regs and legalities.

With other industries, like IT, the concerns are more along the lines of privacy and industrial competition. One of my clients is and IT solution provider and they are concerned that a competitor could access their linkedin profiles or facebook presence, identify clients and employees and poach of member of either group or both groups.

It is a very legitimate concern. This is one reason why mailing list companies have fake alias addresses so if anyone re-uses that list, the company will know and take appropriate action.

It is a very legitimate concern. This is one reason why mailing list companies have fake alias addresses so if anyone re-uses that list, the company will know and take appropriate action.

I agree that the concern is legitamate but I think that depending on the industry or vertical the issues that could pop up are easier to alleviate without taking major legal steps.

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