Are there any industries where most if not all of social media and community building is a no-no? The big one I can think of right off the top of my head would be military contractor. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Not only military but I also believe in other certain types of intelligence (not market research) firms as well as any company dealing with confidential medical information like laboratories.

Not only military but I also believe in other certain types of intelligence (not market research) firms as well as any company dealing with confidential medical information like laboratories.

Agreed. I think that you can also add to the list some financial services firms where a message can be twisted to say it influenced and investment that went bad. This would probably be a case of an extremely limited if not total lack of social networking presence by the company.

There are also many industrial regulations that does not espouse certain types of social media. For example, chat or tweet feed of medical advice to patients or pharmaceutical companies communicating with patients via chat rooms.

There are also many industrial regulations that does not espouse certain types of social media. For example, chat or tweet feed of medical advice to patients or pharmaceutical companies communicating with patients via chat rooms.

What is truly scary about that scenario is that people will use that feedback to self-diagnose, like the many who go onto webmd and self-diagnose.

On this same tact, I would say the law firms would probably not want to go to big into certain aspects of social media as opinions offered in blogs could be misconstrued as legal advice.

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