I was just reading about a site called Muck Rack, known for aggregating tweets from jounalists, has launched a twitter press release service that offers 130 max character press releases at a cost of $1 per word with a minimum charge of $50. As most companies use press releases to talk about big business wins or awards won and 130 words may not be enough to communicate the info. I create press releases for one of my clients that they put on the their website and then tweet about with a link. I would not use the Twitter Press Release service. Would you?

I would not use it either because it will look spammy. Also, how much information can actually be released in regards to new products, launch date, contact info, etc in 130 characters?

I would not use it either because it will look spammy. Also, how much information can actually be released in regards to new products, launch date, contact info, etc in 130 characters?

For all the reasons you stated, I think that this will be an abject failure. At best, it will get the site that is offering the service some added publicitiy and that is about it.

I would not use it either because it will look spammy. Also, how much information can actually be released in regards to new products, launch date, contact info, etc in 130 characters?

not that bad, at least , it could bring u traffic

Yes it could bring you traffic but it could also add more unnecessary PR clutter which may not necessarily help with increasing targeted traffic.

The only way this could work out is if you are using bit.ly or TinyURL and can use the url in the post. I don't know that they allow you to do that. As a whole, I think the whole service is pointless because you can do the same thing with your own twitter account. You just need to contact the right journalists to follow you. As a former tech reporter I can tell you that most reporters will look for hot leads anywhere.

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