i have been working really hard to make my new biz profit....trying to make my webpage user friendly...etc....but although i have tried many different ways of advertising im still not getting very much traffic at all. i really need a boost to the site. im open for suggestions on any kind of (free) ways of advertising, and up-ing my traffic. im not really financially able to spend much money for this, so free is better.....please help with any ideas/suggestions.
my webpage is : http://www.allkristinscreations.com
thanx. :o

the Jewelry is nice, I would change the font to somthing easy to read. Building a links exchange may help, look into Axandra web site promotion software.

Ok free ways of advertising here are a couple.

-Add your website link to your forum signiture
-add your link to searche engines and directories
-Search engine optimize your web pages to specific keywords
-For every email you send add your websites link in the email sig
-tell people friends about your site since word of mouth is a great resource
-exchange links with relevent websites
-and there are many more ways to advertise

Hope this helps you if you want to learn ways to advertise offline then read0 this article on my site. Promoting Your Site Off-Line.

Good luck

thanx for the suggestions!!!

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