Hello, I have a problem with a person who cause a large problem on my forums. I banned him think this would solve the problem, however this failed misrobaly. I then banned his IP, not relising at the time it was a proxy, and he has been changing proxys ever since. He had signed up for new accounts (at least 18 that I have found so far). I have now turn off registration so that he cannot start any more accounts

He had mentioned that he had had the same problem at other forums and I was talking to another webmaster who had had the same problem within hours of me banning him from my site. He had tried the same things as me and like my forums his registration is now turned off. As you may expect this is a short turm solution. Infact the other webmaster allowed people to create new accounts and within 10 minets the person had started another account and was raigning terror on his forums once again.

I am still trying to track down his ISP but some of the proxys are being difficult so I was wondering if I could legally change the registration terms and conditions so that it stats if you start a new account on my forums with the intent of millisus or corrutive I can then find that person money (a lot of money).

...I was wondering if I could legally change the registration terms and conditions so that it stats if you start a new account on my forums with the intent of millisus or corrutive I can then find that person money (a lot of money).

You can change the conditions in your Acceptable Use Policy and other such statements on your site, but there's nothing to say that they will be legally binding to any of your members.

For one thing, you'll still have to find and identify the offendng members before you can take any action against them. Additionally, you may quite well find that the laws in your area don't even apply to the members in question anyway; there's really not much in place yet in terms of global law regarding any of this.

I know the identity of the individual that I am talking about at the moment, he is under UK law

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