The concept of friends on Facebook is a blurry concept. There are Facebook profiles with thousands of friends while there are others who only have a handful or so. So what if you have a business client or a colleague and you receive a Facebook invite. What is your policy on accepting such invites?,CST-EDT-open06b.article

My analogy for friends is the following - can you pick up the phone and call them? If the answer is no, then it is just a "Facebook Friend."

I would create a professional profile on Facebook and send a return friend request. Or ask them to connect via Linkedin. Keep personal and business separate.

I totally agree. Hopefully it is possible to compartmentalize. I just used a lovely Outlook helper add-on called Xobni and on the contact section of the business contacts - their facebook picture shows up! So perhaps now the lines of business and personal just gets blurrier every day.

I totally agree. Hopefully it is possible to compartmentalize. I just used a lovely Outlook helper add-on called Xobni and on the contact section of the business contacts - their facebook picture shows up! So perhaps now the lines of business and personal just gets blurrier every day.

I would immeadiately stop using that add-on if it was making that connection. I will build a tech version of the Great Wall of China to keep my business and personal separate.

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