The classic marketing model was outbound oriented and generally consisting of an inside sales force calling on prospects and customers, telemarketing, tradeshows, seminars, trade publication advertising and publicity and broadcast advertising.

Over the past few years, electronic marketing has become an essential part of the marketing mix. Marketing efforts for even the most traditional companies is shape shifting into an inbound marketing model consisting of search engine optimization, pay-per-click ads, blogging, social media and targeted landing pages.

As electronic marketing increases in sophistication, more can be done to attract prospects with less money in more creative ways. Here are just five inbound marketing techniques geared toward increasing your web traffic and revenue:

1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
3. Blogging
4. Social Media
5. Targeted Landing Pages

Let me know your views on this article.


I agree with this article, but must admit, that in developing countries still there are a lot of potential customers that don't use Internet. So outbound marketing model gives its way to inbound one, but outbound model still works. Moreover, I don't think that outbound marketing model will ever die at all .

True, setting up an affiliate marketing program. indeed can help u with the traffic.

You can then hire affiliates to promote your services and products. In doing so, they will direct the traffic from their web pages to your web site.

This way, you will also be able to get in contact with your target clients in a fairly less time. However, you will be required to pay a certain percentage of your profit as commission to your affiliate marketing partners.

Internet is without doubt gaining a lot of importance globally as a fine market place to make a good earning. The popularity of internet is because of the fact that it is the cheapest platform for the businesses to reach and communicate with millions of prospective customers. This is the reason why most of the aspiring entrepreneurs are planning to start their business on the internet.

Good article... Also one of the common pieces of advice that SEO give is that relevant outbound links to quality sites can actually help your own performance in the search engines

5. Targeted Landing Pages

Let me know your views on this article.


Landing Page is a page intended to identify the beginning of the user experience resulting from a defined marketing effort. Landing pages are often optimized for specific keywords, audiences, or calls to action, since they represent a touch point or an opportunity to present your message to the visitor.

They have a particular importance in conveying information to motivate the visitor to become more engaged with the site.Landing pages are designed to be highly relevant to the advertisement or search listing and encourage users to complete a "call to action".

The landing page is also known as the "click through URL" or "destination URL".

Thank you for your replies. I really appreciate them.


I advocate doing "inbound marketing" where you help yourself "get found" by people already learning about and shopping in your industry. In order to do this, you need to set your website up like a "hub" for your industry that attracts visitors naturally through the search engines, through the blogosphere, and through the social media sites. I believe most marketers today spend 90% of their efforts on outbound marketing and 10% on inbound marketing and I advocate that those ratios flip.

have you personally used it? i think it is good for creating a buzz, you can really not get great traffic from it

i agree with you Luvila, it's depent on the country where you live, but anyway for internet marketing that the you do for increasing web traffic, great post :)

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